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Category: Essay

Subcategory: International Relations

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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A sanction is a tool that belongs to the foreign policy, used by the international institutions or states to convince groups of governments of a government in particular to modify their system by investment, trade restriction or any other commercial activity. Sanction’s objectives include discouraging a target from involving in wrongful behavior, persuading a state that is offending to abandon or stop a practice that is considered wrong by the sanctioned, lastly altering the action of the target state by trying to subvert the wrong-doers who are in the incumbent. This study will examine the usefulness of authorizing and provide an example of how it was employed.
Importance of sanctions
Sanctions are regularly imposed by the European Union (EU) which is in response to reprehensible conduct, violation of human rights and the democratic principles or possible threats on security such as terrorism support and the acceleration of mass destruction weapons. Sanctions communicate the disapproval of European Union on lawbreaking or to address a threat. Lenhe argues that sanction imposition as common security and foreign policy tool has elevated steadily since the early 1990s, the past decade to be particular (Lenhe 11).
Sanction regimes are more active can be contemplated through rationalization of the existent practices without causing incurring high expenses. Sanctions improvement depends on Europ…

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