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Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Education

Level: Academic

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Role Play in Education
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Role play is a useful method used in the learning and teaching process. It is a strategy that promotes learning through enhancing thinking and creativity among learners. Role play helps students to develop and practice new concept in language and desirable behavioral skills in a relatively non-threatening learning environment. Researchers argue that it creates motivation among learners and hence promotes self-efficacy as learners get fully involved in the learning process. This paper analyzes theoretical overview of this topic, its justification, and the findings that will provide us with an argument about role play.
Role Play as a Simulation Method (A Theoretical Overview)
According to Rogers and Evans (2008) role play is a vital training aid in the process of acquiring knowledge, values, skills and attitudes among learners of different ages. According to Barrett (2003) role play is defined as a particular form of simulation that analyzes the interaction of people with one another. In this situation, the learner is either asked to think of themselves or another person in a given situation. The resultant effect will enable the whole class to learn new concepts about that particular situation. In this case, Rogers and Evans (2008) noted that role play act as a simulation that is fundamental to learning new language and ideas. For the simulation to be successful, all learners should accept …

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