Response Paper on Taking A Dim View

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Response Paper on Taking A Dim View

Category: Lab Report

Subcategory: Astronomy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Taking a Dim View
“Taking a Dim View” is the title of the article I have chosen to write about under Astronomy magazines.
The article entitled “Taking a dim view,” talks about how astronomers took their time to learn seeing beyond how Milky Way surprisingly glared into faint galaxies which were in the hidden realm (Hadhazy 1). During one of the winter nights back in the year 1969, an astronomer known as Michael Disney wondered if by chance alien astronomers could be staring at him right back. According to Disney, the home galaxy known as Milky Way was entirely fainter or dimmer to see by using naked eyes. Another astronomer realized that aliens could not possibly observe Milky Ways which were in the form of dimmer galaxies (Hadhazy 3). He argued that in the end, there was a possibility that aliens would become completely blinded.
The scientist thought that the surrounding usually glows with hidden galaxies which he described to be possibly dimmer. Since the year 1969, Disney has done a research about galactic realm which he describes as shadowy (Hadhazy 2). During his research time regarding Milky Way which was dimmer, he faced some challenges but later thrived on the arrival of new and advanced technology like Telescope (Hadhazy 1). He argued that there was a possibility that the dim galaxies are capable of solving an ancient mystery related with the missing matter. Clearly, hidden galaxies …

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