Reflection on the United States Constitution

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Reflection on the United States Constitution

Category: Critical Essay

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Reflection on the United States Constitution

Discussion about the constitution is one of the most time-consuming topics, and it could take one the longest time ever talking about. The constitution consists of a number of crucial topics worth dwelling on. Otherwise, we can get some of the crucial points out of the subject and shade more light on them. I have always taken time to reflect and think deeply whenever I hear people comment on the US constitutional rights, Bill of rights, and government authority among others. From my understanding, even the most staunch and respected advocates always speak of issues such as the first amendment. This indicates that the constitution itself and the government are enough to grant rights to the citizens. They are wide off the mark. This directly conflicts with the independence declaration and the intention of the authors.

The main purpose of the Constitution is to provide laws that dictate how the government should operate. The Bill of Rights is aimed at reflecting the goodwill the government has for the citizens. It is instead meant to strengthen the limits that are established on the government. According to the constitution, people are entitled to the rights of free speech and freedom of expression. Both the government and the constitution deny us this right. The right is with us. However, the constitution and its amendments are there to ensure that our natural rights are not violated and ensure that his rights are not taken away by…

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