Reasons for selecting nursing as a career, how did i learn about Arnot Ogden Medical Center School of Nursing, Reasons for desiring entrance into program, flans for future

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Reasons for selecting nursing as a career, how did i learn about Arnot Ogden Medical Center School of Nursing, Reasons for desiring entrance into program, flans for future

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Reasons for selecting nursing as a career at Arnot Ogden Medical Center School of Nursing
It was not always easy to be honest with myself, more so in my school years that was shredded with a carefree attitude towards my academic performance. As with any typical life of a teenage girl, the conflicting and complex choices about how to live my life did more to detach me from concentrating on my studies. Even more challenging was my college experience that saw me take on a daily gruesome four-hour journey to school as my family lived miles away from the college. The same narrative of poor academic performance was replicated mostly in key units such as Math studies. With years reflection, however, I have come to embrace a guiding principle that has enabled me view schooling not just from the perspective of getting good grades, but more importantly, as a place to hone my life skills for a better future.
Modest as it may be, this profound principle is fuel for my deep-seated desire to pursue a nursing career. At 36 years, even with a strong family as a support system, it is a stretch to imagine this manifestation. However, with my sheer determination and will, I believe my strong character developed through the years saviors for moments such as this because it reminds me beyond the lame academic excellence in my youthful years, there exist a self-discovered mature woman whose goals are inclined towards excellence. My life is firmly planted i…

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