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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Person Centered therapy

Comparing Counseling Approaches Student’s Name Institution Affiliation This paper focuses on two different counseling approaches; cognitive behavioral therapy and person-centered therapy. By definition, cognitive behavioral therapy is an approach that focuses on how an individual’s feelings are affected by their thoughts and how they perceive the different aspects of their lives (Dobson, & Dobson, 2018). On the other hand, person-centered therapy tends to focus more on the perception that all human beings are born with the ability to facilitate their psychological growth (Rogers, 2013). Both approaches ideally deal with a theoretical positivity that it is human nature to be able to...


Research Questions Name Institution Research Questions Selecting articles from prestigious journals is a critical factor in determining the quality of information to be used in the literature review. However, there are important factors that should be made before taking this particular approach. First, the keywords used are overly general, and this could lead to the generation of a long list of articles. In this case, although some of the articles may be closely related, most of them may be remotely related to the research problem. To remain within the scope of the selected topic of study, it is essential to narrow down the articles to those that are closely related to the study question. Later...

journal entry-

Journal Entry Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Journal Entry A dream that has often recurred to me is falling from either a cliff, a building or from a bridge. The fall does not necessarily reach the ground, but I often find myself going down at a fast speed but not reaching the destination. A myth affiliated with the dream is that, when one hits the ground when falling, he or she dies; which is a false analogy (Dream Moods, 2018). As per the Dream Moods website, a dream where one is falling illustrates feelings of anxiety, instability, and insecurity (Dream Moods, 2018). The related aspect is that one feels overwhelmed and overpowered in managing a particular situation in the real-life...

Psychology Essay

Title Name Institution Date Psychology specialties that I have an interest in. Personality and development psychology are the two areas I have always held a great interest in. While part of my interest in these fields has been drawn by my vast research in the area, most of my passion for these fields is inspired by their increasing presence in the contemporary practice. Psychology regarding personality and developmental psychology have become the most sought-after topics due to the increasing prevalence of developmental and personality psychological conditions. The lack of enough specialists has led to the misdiagnosis and poor management of most patients without access to psychology...

Development Psychology

Development Psychology Name Institutional Affiliation Development Psychology How much does emotional turbulence versus social hostility count as an explanation for teen suicide? Adolescence is the stage where people go through the most emotionally turbulent time of their lives. It is a time when youths are struggling with issues related to self-esteem, alienation, self-doubt, and feelings among others (Coon, Mitterer & Martini, 2019). Emotionally turbulence is a major cause of suicide among the youths. As they struggle to find their identity, there is a high likelihood of committing suicide. The other cause of suicide is social hostility. People with social issues are likely to feel...

Compassion and Conflict revised

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject Date Compassion and Conflicts in Relationships Compassion is the ability to understand someone’s thoughts, feelings, and opinion. Compassion is very crucial in managing relationship conflicts. Communicating in an open manner promotes understanding in relationships. Positive relationships are achieved when people talk openly about their feelings, opinions and express their genuine emotions. Aggressive behavior leads to conflicts in relationships. Aggression is when a person fails to understand someone’s perspective or point of view and wants to force his or her views or behavior on others. Aggression can be caused by low self -esteem,...

Spiritual Awareness Meditation

Spiritual Awareness- Meditation Name Institutional Affiliation Spiritual Awareness- Meditation The human nature is to continually respond to various influences and stimuli from the environment using our senses (Vivekananda, 2015). The response originated from the mind which guides the sensory organs to appreciate and respond to the changes in the environment. However, there are times when the constant response is overwhelming thus the need to give the body and mind a rest. In my case, I obtain the rest through the process of meditation. Ideally, the process of meditation is an activity in which the individual decides to shut out the stimuli from the environment and allow the brain to remain...

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Well-Being Name Institutional Affiliation Spiritual Well-being Having been born in a Christian family, I had no other choice than following in my parents' footsteps. According to the Christian beliefs, it is crucial to be kind to others all the time. Being kind to others can be through compassion to others, forgiving those who wrong us, as well as being respectful to everyone (Montville, 2016). As explained in our text, spiritual well-being is essential as it can bind people. Having been taught throughout my life to follow and observe the Christian values, I have always tried to do the best. I remember one time I was heading to my friend's home, and on the way I got a man lying...

our sixth sense

Our Sixth Sense Name Institution 56515232410People often have anomalous experiences in life 00People often have anomalous experiences in life Our Sixth Sense 61823601615440617283533909000Your Sixth Sense is authored by Mathew Hutson and talks about the anomalous experiences people have in life. Precisely, he describes the experiences that do not match one’s expectations and tend to contradict what is known scientifically. This is where the sixth sense comes in to explain this strange phenomenon. Humans usually rely on unproven forces to describe what the sixth sense could be since it is not scientifically explainable. -799465560070Apophenia makes people see patterns that are not...