Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors

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Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: Academic

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Pro-social and Antisocial Behavior
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Personal Perceptions on Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior
Personally, helping and stealing are prosocial and antisocial behaviors respectively that have always stood out from the rest. People often disregard shoplifting, as a lesser stealing that one shall simply outgrow in the future. However, the truth is that shoplifting, much like other forms of stealing, is criminal and the worst antisocial behavior the mind can conceive. For an adolescent, stealing can corrode the development of the teenager, as well as, negatively influence the teenager’s integrity and character. It is absurd that many parents and guardians choose to use excuses and justifications on teenage shoplifters. This move is unethical and negatively affects the development of an adolescent from a minor shoplifter to hazardous behavior when one is an adult such as stealing at the place of employment.
There are people who are prone to act to the advantage of others, and the prosocial behavior that always sticks out is helping a person that is needed. The ideals of the helping behavior are firmly anchored on the notion that one fulfills the needs of others, without seeking to know the circumstances behind such needs. In turn, helping leads to understand, and then making an effort, which is sincere, to honor the person in need.
In the future, the knowledge on antisocial and prosocial behaviors shall this writer in condemni…

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