proposal letter

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proposal letter

Category: Classification Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

3700 Union Street
Eureka, CA 95502
Dustin Williams,
Pima County Superintendent of Schools,
200 N Stone Ave
Tucson, AZ 85701
Dear Mr. Williams:
Homework is one of the contentious issues around school curriculum development. On one side, educators associate homework with rigor and quality teaching. On the other hand are the opponents of homework in school, the majority of who are students. Individuals in this group posit that homework takes a better part of the students’ free time. In the midst of this debate, education experts maintain that homework is a necessary part of the education curriculum. According to Carr Schrat, students need to practice the skills gained in class out of the classroom to help them learn the concepts. This confirmation by experts, therefore, changes the focus on the debate about homework in schools from whether it is necessary to how it can be made more effective. Schools should embrace the residual engagement strategy which can be easily implemented through the collective efforts of parents and teachers to eliminate the challenges that confront traditional homework and enhance student learning.
The residual engagement strategy is an alternative to the traditional homework. Unlike the traditional homework in which a student is given work to perform out of the classroom by their teachers, the residual engagement strategy uses people other than the teachers to help students practice and master the skills they learn in school outside …

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