principal management

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principal management

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Principal Management

Principle management is one amongst the best topics I have learned in this course. From the current discussions, I have learned a lot about principle management and gained new knowledge about the topic. I have become more competent and effective at work because of the new knowledge, and I can also comfortably answer the questions from the discussion as done in the rest of this paper. I’m going to talk about management audits control as my area of weakness. This is because I have seen many organizations undergo the challenges of carrying out audits accurately. Budget making and control is also discussed as part of my strength since I have experience in the same area and I have been able to perform well in it. I have also highlighted some of the goals and the solution I can undertake to correct my weakness. However, I have an area where I would want to develop, and that’s on budget control.
Principal Management
I have learned a lot about principle management from this course and gained new knowledge from the topics covered. However, I have weakness in one area that I want to grow since it’s concerned with my future career. This area is management audits control which I have learned is an essential part of an organizations management. From the discussions, I have learned that an organization uses audits to sell itself to the public especially when it requires new or more shareholders to buy its shares, or wh…

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