Pride and Prejudice

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Pride and Prejudice

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 3

Words: 825

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28 May 2015
Pride and Prejudice
In the novel Pride and Prejudice, the author Jane Austen, starts from an individual romance, and unveils the social environment in terms of class structure, class relations, mannerisms, etiquette and behavior. Thus, there are parallel themes and several sub themes running alongside one another, equivalently important.
The overall theme is a reflection of 18th century class relations, with individual romance blossoming under that, but still under an umbrella of that class structure.
Class opposites as well as individual opposites are shown. The Bennetts are a gentlemanly family, but Mrs Bennet comes from the trading class, which was looked down upon.
The Bingleys were pure gentlemanly stock, and of considerable fortune, with their Netherfield’s estate, and a house in fashionable London. The Darcys were even higher, related directly to nobility, an earl or a count from the mother’s side, and having generations of grander wealth. The relations of Bennetts were also shown to be the shabbier lot. For instance, Elizabeth’s uncle and aunt, lived in Cheapside, a name itself degradation of the low part of London. Mrs Bennetts and her daughters, with the exception of Jane and Elizabeth, are typical village gossips, always look out for wealthy eligible men and their families, whereas Bingley’s sisters are gossips too, but of a highly snobbish kind. On the whole none of the Bennett’s daugh…

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