postcolonial theory of Homi Bhabha applied to V.S.Naipaul’s novel The Mimic Men

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postcolonial theory of Homi Bhabha applied to V.S.Naipaul’s novel The Mimic Men

Category: Dissertation

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: PhD

Pages: 23

Words: 6325

[Name of the Writer]
[Name of Instructor]
Dissertation Chapter
Among the different novels that reflect on the alienation of a dominating culture on colonial subjects, The Mimic Men is surely a masterpiece that is an autobiographical memoir of Ralph Singh, who has undergone a sudden; yet, an abrupt transition in his life. The cultural shock faced by the colonial exile politician living in the imperialistic metropolis is an imitation of dystopian and utopian complexes in his lives. As V. S. Naipaul has described this novel as “a novel about the vacuum” (Mahood, 1977, 187) has presented distorted themes of illusion and disillusion. Naipaul’s Mimic Men has presented a view of self-criticism, self-examination, self-construction, self-understanding, along with spatial and historical consciousness (Naipaul, 1967, 37) that is characterized profoundly as Ralph. The core themes presented within the novel related to the sense is an outcome of colonialism of sub-continent. Apart from that, the sense of alienation, identity crisis and most importantly, development of neo-colonialism within ex-colonies is some of them. Ralph is the pictorial depiction of the persons going through identification crisis followed by the loss of their cultural values and traditions.
India, which was a country limping under the pressure of ignorance and poverty (Ravi, 2013 161) has soon become a nexus of political and religious movements. It also had brought about a s…

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