Please select a suitable methodology and make it a heading for paper for the research topic the Impact of inline learning on adult eductaion

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Please select a suitable methodology and make it a heading for paper for the research topic the Impact of inline learning on adult eductaion

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 20

Words: 5500

Methodology Review: Impact of Online Learning on Adult Education
One of the first significant and influential papers on how to learn and gain knowledge through the online program was written in 1999 by Terry Anderson. The article gave an introduction of a primary mode of a learning environment. The authors suggested that these three essential elements must be in place to implement an effective learning environment. The author researched the common basics of online learning. He argued that an online environment could have a cognitive element, a presence element, a social presence, and a teaching presence. Analyzing transcripts from an online teaching session, they found that indeed all three of these factors emerged. The methodology is somewhat crude as it is more of an art to analyze transcripts. However, the primary findings seem to suggest a good start to the online learning method. They suggest that all the elements that can be in a classroom can also be in an online environment. Online learning has enormous potential and is more advantageous. In many ways, the researchers indeed foresaw the future. However, those researchers did not give many guidelines for how online education should be conducted. They foresaw that online education would be a powerful tool to use in education, but they had no technical know-how on online learning.
In 2000, a significant debate turned online learning into a topic that focuses on globa…

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