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Category: Personal Essay

Subcategory: Statistics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Instructor Course
Regression Analysis
Regression analysis is a statistical measure for determining the relationship between variables. It includes classifying, analyzing, organizing, and recording variables. There are two types of variables involved that is, dependent variable, and independent variable. Dependent variables are measured, predicted and are expected to be affected by the manipulation of the independent variable (Fox and John 107). A researcher manipulates independent variables to determine their effects on other variables. Regression analysis includes the probability of distribution, which is dependent on the variation of the dependent variable.
Forecasting involves prediction of various measures, regression is used to determine the types of independent variables that are related to dependent variables and analyzes the factors or forms of this relationship (Draper, Norman and Harry 46). There are techniques applied in regression. Ordinary Least Squares and linear regression are some of the regression techniques. They allow the use of unknown numbers or finite numbers in applying regression. These are a parametric regression. Non-parametric regression allows the use of infinite numbers and involves specified functions. They optimize business processes, these aids in enhancement of business productivity and rapid advancement in the world’s economy
Data generating is a basis for which the application …

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