Please account for the role of progress in developments of science and technology in the nineteenth century

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Please account for the role of progress in developments of science and technology in the nineteenth century

Category: Autobiography Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: Academic

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Progress in Development of Science and Technology
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The Role of Progress in Development of Science and Technology in the 19th Century
Human life has undergone major transformation over the past years owing to the steady advancement of science and technology. Today, human life depends on several aspects of science and technology for survival. Most of the things that man cannot do without are facilitated and sustained by scientific processes that were never present in the ancient world. Medical discoveries for example have facilitated the cure of diseases that were not curable before. Things like tissue transplant have added another dimension to the way medical practices have evolved as a result of application of knowledge that philosophers have been pursuing for many years. Modern science can be traced back to the ancient Greek era when philosophers embarked on the pursuit of knowledge on matters affecting human life. Later in history, the same knowledge would be passed from generation to another and some modifications added to it. This is what has defined modern history to date and is the blueprint for future philosophies (Ede & Cormack, 2012).
In their book titled “A History of Science in Society”, Ede and Comarck argue that since inception, the philosophical pursuit of knowledge is not enough and should be complimented …

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