Plagiarism Prevails in Academic Writing

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Plagiarism Prevails in Academic Writing

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Traveling

Level: PhD

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Plagiarism Prevails in Academic Writing
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Plagiarism Prevails in Academic Writing
Plagiarism is a well known offense, In fact, scholars know that more than anyone else. Yet, some of the best known scholars have been found guilty of plagiarizing some of their work. Research in the recent past continues to reveal that plagiarism continues to be an issue in academic writing, especially in scientific writing. Many reasons have been put forward to explain this phenomenon. Among the reasons that have been put forward, pressure on the publisher stands out as the main reason that often leads to plagiarism (Angélil-Carter, 2014). This commentary will reflect on the pressures that often lead scholars into plagiarism and the effect that the plagiarism has on the scientific writing process.
Pressure to publish and the level of competition has increased. Globalization and the advancements in technology have contributed to the pressure on the modern scholar to publish content within a shorter deadline. Technology has enabled people to access more data, not just within their institutions or their locality. The access to more data has enabled faster research and increased pressure on some scholars whose data is harder to obtain. The pressure often leads to intentional or unintentional plagiarism.
Pressure for good grades has often been a major reason for scholars engaging in plagiarism. It remains a major reason that leads the modern scholar to…

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