Persuasive on the the book Everything I never told you by Celeste Ng.

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Persuasive on the the book Everything I never told you by Celeste Ng.

Category: Definition Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

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What makes a novel good or worthy of being in the literary canon
Any book is usually targeted to end up being worthy or even end up being in the literary canon. Each author often aims to make sure that his story gets to succeed. For an author this is something that is paramount for them, they always ensure that the kind of stories that they end up making gets to fit into the right quality that the society expects (Rosenblatt, 1968).
One of the things that make a novel good or even worthy of being in the literary canon is the plot of the story. The plot of the story is one thing that always attracts readers towards reading a book and having a good time with the same novel. Any author would always make sure that they have a good plot that would intrigue the readers such that they can realize the quality of that paper. A good paper is one that shows the quality in the plot that the author has made on his paper. Once the plot is right then the quality of that novel will also be presumed to be top and thus be considered to be good and also be considered as worthy of being in the literary canon (Rosenblatt, 1968).
Another factor that could make a novel worthy is the themes that addressed in a book. A good story should be comprehensive regarding the issues that it touches on; it should be self-sufficient. A novel should have enough themes such that those items address even the most recent issues seen to be in the society (Porhiel, 2001). The so…

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