personal health.

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personal health.

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Linguistics

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Assessment and Reflection on Death
Death is inevitable. Risks associated with death can, however, be lowered regarding healthy living practices. A healthy lifestyle is a sure way to avoid early deaths especially since the majority of us are afraid of death. With current lifestyle, it is hard to achieve pure, healthy situations since alcohol, tobacco, junk foods are everywhere in the market. Research has it that diabetes type 2 could be managed by a moderate intake of alcohol. As students, it is possible to maintain healthy living because most institutions encourage sports and physical exercises in between learning sessions. (Chittaro, 65).
Dealing with death affects everyone differently. One way of treating grief is coping with the situation. In case of death of loved one, the mourner needs to take a break from regular schedules while they learn to live without the lost relative. Seeking counseling is encouraged for mourners during this period. Preparing for own death implies leaving beneficiaries as comfortable as possible. One is advised to write wills on the property to be shared among spouse and children after death (Chittaro, 69). End of life requires planning. A living will give directives on the care one desires before departure and a statement on what organs the dying wish to donate.
The right to die is sometimes allowed and supported by hospice cares. Right-to-die institutions help dying patients end their lives for reason…

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