Origins of the first Unified State in Ancient Egypt, compare/contrast with Mesopotamia

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Origins of the first Unified State in Ancient Egypt, compare/contrast with Mesopotamia

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: College

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Origin of the First Unified State in Egypt and Mesopotamia
The rise of the ancient Kingdoms in the various parts of the world was a result of several factors that favored the development of such kingdoms (Heinz, pg23). The ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia are some of the examples of the ancient kingdoms that were established in the past and were successful at the time of establishment. There are some similarities and differences that are manifested in the process of the development of the ancient unified states in Egypt and Mesopotamia (Heinz, pg23). This paper discusses, compares and contrasts the rise of the ancient unified states in Egypt and Mesopotamia.
The development or the rise of the unified states in Mesopotamia and Egypt took place at the same time. Even though the developments were experienced during the same period in history, there were certain factors which resulted into the differences between the two states. Some of the factors included the natural forces and the environments in which the various states were located. These differences comprised of variations in the religion, political systems, and the social stability of the two states (Heinz, pg23).
The rise of the civilization ion both states occurred along great rivers. In Egypt, the civilization was experienced along the banks of River Nile. That indicates the role of the River Nile in the process of the development of the ancient Egyptian state (Wengrow, pg231). Apart from …

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