Organization Behaviour

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Organization Behaviour

Category: Reflective Essay

Subcategory: Electrical Engineering

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Trust and Decision-making
Trust and Decision-making
One of the fundamental types of team roles is connected to decision making. The decision-making process is affected by such factors as; trust, team efficacy, social facilitation as well as team performance. Trust is often a result of treating others fairly while team efficacy entails the extent to which a group believes that it can implement its tasks well. Social facilitation, on the other hand, occurs when there is an increase in effort by an individual working in a team. Earning others’ trust is essential to the decision-making process, therefore it has the most influence. According to Phillips and Gully (2011), trust is the expectation that another individual will not take advantage of you regardless of your ability to monitor or control them.
A typical decision-making process has several steps. For instance, the rational decision-making model comprises of six steps including the identification of problem or opportunity, developing various solutions and courses of action, evaluation of positive and negative outcomes of the issue, and team’s ability to come to a decision on the suitable solution after considering all the possibilities. The last two steps in the rational decision-making model involve the actual implementation of the decision as well as the evaluation of its impact (Truxillo, Bauer & Erdogan, 2015). Notably, all these stages of decision making are significantly affected by…

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