nursing revised

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nursing revised

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Personal and Medical History: Mr. Kevin is a 65 years old retired government worker. He has four children and two grandchildren. His wife died five years ago of pneumonia. In spite of this, he usually feels secluded, alone, and disheartened. He refutes current or past cigarette or alcohol. He negates drug practice. Mr. K’s mother passed away at the age of seventy-four for natural reasons. The patient had been diagnosed with hypertension years ago which was suitably controlled with Metoprolol. He suffered from depression which was poorly handled. However, he began to use Prozac six months ago but still feels miserable. He has a previous medical history vital for an MI and melancholy who offers currently protesting of epigastric, acute abdominal pain of four to five months period. The pain has been slowly aggravating over the previous four months. The ache is positioned in the epigastric area. It does not release. The pain is comparatively continuous during the day and night but does not change in harshness. With the abdominal pain, Mr. Kevin has experienced some motion sickness but has not puked. He approves constipation.
Drug Therapy and Treatments:
Hospitalized: During the year 2015, MI.
Procedures or Operations: Post- MI, Heart Catheterization in 2015.
For several years taken Metoprolol 100 mg
Aspirin 100 mg since MI ( Three years ago)
Discontinued using Protonix 18 months ago
Prozac 20 mg ( In progress from six mo…

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