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Category: Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

The Break
The break refers to the policies introduced by the government to guide the development of the telegraph line. The policies marked the break of the earlier laid out communications framework; they were completely different and gave a new direction and pattern in the development of communications in the U.S. It was a shift from the governance structure through which the post was used for communications to a set of policies that left the post in the hands of individuals (Lloyd 39).
In the 1830’s, Morse developed a device that was able to receive and transmit information by electrical means. He wanted to develop an experimental telegraph line and needed funds from the government. He failed to get government support and had to wait for five years until another party would take power and dominate policymaking. It is at this time that the party that took power laid out policies before they could support the development of the telegraph. The policy decisions made involving the telegraph were significant in that they were different from what was earlier set by the founders. The policies include: investing early of the technology, giving control of the technology to private interests, continuing subsidy of the technology industry and a weak response to the rise of private monopoly (Lloyd 41). These policies set a new pattern for the communications in the US. The new pattern favored the mercantile faction; made democracy weak and on the othe…

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