Nietzsche uses marriage as the prime example of the failure of modern institutions. Why does Nietzsche point to this example (out of all that he could have chosen) and What if his argument is correct? What are the implications for modern politics?

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Nietzsche uses marriage as the prime example of the failure of modern institutions. Why does Nietzsche point to this example (out of all that he could have chosen) and What if his argument is correct? What are the implications for modern politics?

Category: Personal Statement

Subcategory: Political Science

Level: College

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Instructor’s Name
Argumentative Description of Political Science
In the modern society, societal aspects have become more dynamic and ever changing in that institutions have to come up with reliable strategies that would not only enable them to cope with the changes but also avoid failing due to the changes occurring. It is very critical for an individual to identify the factors that cause many modern institutions to fail and how this failure can be either corrected or minimized. In an institution these are factors to which its management has to uphold, an institution has to be guided by its objectives to ensure it is not distracted from achieving these set objectives throughout its operational process. Marriage is the institution where two individuals agree to be a man and a woman or husband and wife.
In this essay, sociological description of marriage as a modern institution is described, a sociological research paper should have a good basis to which it will form its definitive structure to which the reader or the recipient of these sociological works will be able to understand the sociologist’s main objectives when coming up with his or her. It is for this reason that most philosophers will consider the use of a rough initial description of what they would wish to communicate in their work. Any aspect prior being implemented has to have a particular strategy to which the implementer will use to ensure that he or she does not veer off the track…

Free Nietzsche uses marriage as the prime example of the failure of modern institutions. Why does Nietzsche point to this example (out of all that he could have chosen) and What if his argument is correct? What are the implications for modern politics? Essay Sample, Download Now

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