my body is my own business

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my body is my own business

Category: Critical Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Course level
My body is my own business
My parent were raised in the Middle East and the political uncertainties, and the insecurity issue made them to move to Canada as economic immigrants, to pursue better opportunities. In Canada, I was born and brought up and currently 21-year-old I have not visited my parents’ home country that is my origin. My father has always been against the idea of me visiting the Middle East although he has been there several times over the years. I have attended the school like any other Canadian child, and I am Canadian by birth, and hence I have enjoyed similar privileges as any Canadian child. There has been a stereotyping and Muslim-phobia going on around the world, and I want to clarify that not all Muslims are terrorist. Whenever a Muslim is spotted whether a male or a female, the next person will always show discomfort. They always expect a Muslim to perform some terrorist activity like suicide bombing, and this breaks my heart. My parents are aware of the situation, but they have always advised me to stay focused on making my life and someday I will be socially accepted according to my expectation.
When I was starting school at a young age, I was not aware of the Muslim stereotyping situation since children would play with me and the situation seemed fine to me. Sometimes children would be called by their parents and warned against playing with me but as a child I would not recognize that kind of dis…

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