my Artwork of choice

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my Artwork of choice

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Art

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Professor’s Name
Fine Arts
When visiting an art gallery, there are many artwork pieces that one gets a chance to view. There is, however, a particular piece, or pieces, that catch an individual’s attention. Over time, the memories of the pieces fade. The one piece whose memory sticks over time is that which caught an individual’s interest. When visiting the Campus Gallery during the Faculty show, there was a variety of pieces. One particular piece caught my attention.
The reason for choosing the particular piece is because of the clarity of the piece. While looking at the birds, you don’t need an explanation as to what they are doing. They appear to be singing. They have raised their heads with their beaks open. The birds had their tails raised, and so the feathers. All the details in the piece is an exact action of the bird’s appearance as they sing. Their feet also appear as though they are standing on a branch and have a grip though not a strong grip.
It is recommendable for people to have a view on the art piece. When one takes a glance at the piece for the first time, the thing that comes in the mind is simplicity. The art appears so simple, and one wonders why it takes one so long to get an idea while working on a piece. The second reason for recommending the piece is its clarity. The piece doesn’t require one to keep on explaining what the piece is about or the source of inspiration. Looking at the piece makes one feel as though they can al…

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