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Category: Literary analysis

Subcategory: Astronomy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Question 4
Ethics in a wide area that has sparked a lot of debate amongst various philosophers. Philosophers have gone ahead to break it down into three categories, that is, metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics for understanding. According to what we learned in our previous class about this topic, there is a slight difference in understanding what ethic entails and what Carol Gilligan understand it. Gilligan’s stand on this topic of ethics is that different emphasis of men and women is what contributes to the different style of moral reasoning. For instance, men emphasis on separation and autonomy and hence stresses justice, fairness, and rights as their basis of logic. On the other hand, women put more emphasis on connections and relationships. As a result, they stress wants needs and interest of particular people as their basis of thinking. In fact, Gilligan claims that most moral development theorists tend to use male norms instead of human norms to measure all moral developments, hence contributing to routinely failure of women. In my view, indeed on several occasions, men are given priority than women especially when it comes to allocation of slots for big jobs. Therefore, I support Gilligan argument that all these problems occur as a result of the style of thinking.
Relatively, Emmanuel Levinasian views ethics as a tool of caring for others. Levinasian believed that care ethics encourages us to understa…

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