Midline and Flank approaches in cat surgery

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Midline and Flank approaches in cat surgery

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Algebra

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Midline and Flank approaches in cat surgery
Birth control among the animals has been a recommended process to discourage the unnecessary high birthrates among the particular groups of animals. For managing this process, surgery has been the most familiar recommended technique. In cats, Ovariohysterectomy has been the standard form of surgery that is carried out. However, the surgical operation takes multiple numbers of approaches which include midline though is considered one traditional approach. Another method is flank, and many other procedures are laparoscopic. In this study, twenty-four adult and mongrel cats were sampled randomly for the study where they were categorized into four groups. These groups were two for each approach, midline, and flack though using either nylon clamp or nylon thread. Various variables were measured, but the important ones for the clinical question were the time taken for each approach and the edema incidences occurring. The flank approach was found to take longer than midline while midline had more early edema incidences than flank.
Keywords: Surgical, clamps, midline, flank, celiotomy, surgery, feline, and animals

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