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Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

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Merit Pay
Merit pay is a word that is used to describe pay that is related to one s performance. Using criteria that are measurable, those workers who are seen to effectively perform their jobs are given bonuses. Research shows that using merit pay, one is able to reward the employees that they wish to keep for a long period of time. Organizations that use merit to pay their employees always succeed and they manage to retain their employees.
Merit pay should be used in paying employees in organizations. When paying them according to their performance, there are some conditions that ensure that the policy gets to work. One of them is by measuring the performance of the employees in a manner that is appropriate. This is important since it helps in showing that the performance of every employee thus it is easy to differentiate between the employees who perform well and those that do not.
Merit pay is very important in organizations. It is because it helps the management in getting to determine those employees who do not perform and those that perform. Therefore, they are able to dismiss those employees whose work is questionable or even advice them on the areas where they can improve on. By that it helps in improving the performance of the employees since they would not like to be classified among those who do not perform well (Heneman 32). The process can be used in a way which wi…

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