Medicine Admission essay

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Medicine Admission essay

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Medicine

Level: Masters

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Dear Sir/Madam
I am ————————–, and I am applying for the program on ——————————– in your esteemed University. I have been really encouraged by the field of medical electronics and biomedical engineering, from my college days. A personal statement to that is submitted through this application. I would be sincerely obliged, if my personal statement and achievements are kindly reviewed for the needful.
Personal Statement
When I was in school, the field of biological sciences attracted me the most. I was puzzled and astonished by the functioning of a human body. The autorhythmicity of the myocardial junctional tissues attracted me very much. As I learnt the electrophysiological aspects of the cell membrane, the generation of resting membrane potential and the generation of action potentials, I was absolutely spellbound. In fact, I realized that our body is just like a machine, and various electronic circuits are in-built in our body itself. This initiated by the passion for electrophysiology and clinical sciences.
I learnt the utility and usefulness of this field of clinical sciences, when my father suffered from right bundle branch block. Everybody in our family was sad and bereaved. The physician recommended pacemaker implant in my father. This happened when I was in my high school. My father got admitted and was back home with the implant. Then I learnt the real miracle of medical electronics, …

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