Marketing Plan and Strategy

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Marketing Plan and Strategy

Category: Math Problems

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Marketing Plan and Strategy
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Executive Summary
This document is a marketing strategy for power drinks as manufactured by Ozone Beverages. Power drink is a non-alcoholic beverage, and one of the drinks produced by Ozone. This plan is there to set forth the pathway to having the power drink acquire its target in the market. In the current world, the non-alcoholic beverages are less differential. Therefore, a well-laid plan for the drink is a requisite to have the beverage reaching out to its market target. Ozone Beverages is a local company focusing on the manufacture of soft drinks in the town. Power drink is the initial glass of the incorporation and has been on the market for the last six months. A need to lay down a market plan for the drink is necessary so as beat or challenge the market competition and try to win sales of the drink.
Ozone Beverages Overview
Ozone Beverages is a company that is developing and purely set out to manufacture soft drinks and non-alcoholic beverages. The sales of the company products are not fruitful and thus demanding a change of marketing structure to push the product further into the already crowded market. Ozone Beverages has the following as the mission statement and vision statement respectively.
Mission Statement
Out to produce drinks that blend flavor and health into the life of customers.
Vision Statement
To be the leading firm in the manufacture of the healthy world class soft dri…

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