Marcus, Meditations: ‘Man is a reflective reflection of the Whole’. Assess the main strength and weaknesses of that conception.

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Marcus, Meditations: ‘Man is a reflective reflection of the Whole’. Assess the main strength and weaknesses of that conception.

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: Academic

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Marcus, Meditations: ‘Man is a Reflective Reflection of The Whole.’


Putting aside, the individual character, Marcus for the time being, let us deal with man in general. Man can be the male gender or human in its general connotation. The human essence as a whole is the collective species consciousness. Here the individual man, his identities, family, ancestry, community, society, culture, traditions, etc. all are taken in, absorbed, but they transcend all barriers to forming a whole, and a core essence. It is not just a summation or totality of all parts, although that is there too, but finding a core integrity, the central and crucial essence through it. This again, is part of the whole living essence, mother earth nature essence, with the non-living in it and all creative kingdoms, cosmic to universal nature whole essence, going beyond nature itself, and then the divine whole essence, which need to go a step further, to get the whole detached omni-verse essence, so that not to be limited by any influence or pattern, however lofty or high, like God or Divinity. In fact, the end as to such a being can be the death of all progress, and nothing but a clogged destruction. Thus we see man’s essence is a mere speck in the whole ocean of creation, but no less or more important than any other. So he is a reflection, a model, in the whole ocean of space and time, a limited simulation of the creator or whole essence, a part of thinking or reflectiveness of the whole …

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