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Category: Descriptive Essay

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Managing College
The life in college is different from the life that we experience in high school since in college it is always not such a busy schedule. In the college, students must choose how to manage time in relations to fun time and school time. The two moments in college are essential concerning gaining overall life experience and social interaction and also on improving on academic excellence. The paper describes the principles of managing life in college with the aim of attaining academic excellence and having a challenging life experience significant in building positive social relationships.
A planner is necessary in effectively organizing for schedules such that you are in an excellent position to tackle all your assignments before the deadline elapses. By using a planner, a student is always organized at achieving their targets (Sternberg 158). Another essential way to manage a life in college is resisting procrastination such that instead of working and finishing an assignment at the deadline, students can choose to work on the task regularly. Doing an assignment partly may feel like an individual is not accomplishing a target, but ultimately it leads to a comfortable life in college.
It is also important that in college, much time should be dedicated to studies rather than work since it leads to an organization to avoid late night sessions that are not meaningful. College life requires speaking and maintaining close…

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