Managed Care Providers

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Managed Care Providers

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Traveling

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Applying Terminologies

Applying Terminologies
This is the amount paid to cater for healthcare expenses before the insurance cover benefits become payable. Different components of a healthcare plan may have separate deductibles. The value is usually calculated annually (“Managed Care Terms: Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy,” 2018). For instance, with a deductible worth $3000, one is required to pay $ 3000 for the health care services before the insurance cover becomes active. After paying the deductible for the covered services, the insurance plan pays the rest. Understanding how deductibles work is essential when determining the most suitable health insurance plan.
It is a fixed amount paid for health services after one pays the deductible. For instance, if a health insurance plan has an allowable cost of $100 for a doctor’s office visit the copayment for this service should be $ 20. Hence, if one has already paid a deductible, then they should only pay $20 at the time of visit. However, if one has not paid the deductible yet, then they are supposed to pay the full allowable amount, which is $100. Learning this term helps one to know when and how much he/she requires to access a particular health service.
Allowable Cost
It is the maximum cost a plan can pay for a particular health service. The in-network providers of the plan sign an agreement to provide services at a discounted price and as well agree not to charge extra …

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