Making Responsible Choices in an Collegiate Environment

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Making Responsible Choices in an Collegiate Environment

Category: Exploratory Essay

Subcategory: Religion

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Making Responsible Choices in a Collegiate Environment
Institutional affiliation:
To make precise, clear and attainable choices, decisions have to be made. Decision making is the process or the act of choosing the best among many alternatives. Students preferably use different approaches when making a lasting and effective decision. This involves the setting of goals, gathering of information and gauging alternatives.
Steps of making effective decisions entail;
Firstly, identification of the decision is vital. A decision has to be made, and the nature of the decision to be made must clearly be defined. Secondly, by gathering information which is relevant can be useful. A collection of pertinent information is vital in making a decision. One must be able to sieve the information that is relevant, and some can be sought through self-assessment and also external sources.
Moreover, Identification of alternatives is vital. In this step, one can identify different options. Through the use of imagination and the information at hand new desirable alternatives can be formed and enlisted. Furthermore, one must weigh up evidence. About your information, one is expected to examine all the alternatives from start to the end. Evaluation of the primarily need in the first step must be gauged whether it can be solved by any of the alternatives. In this step, some alternatives are given priority more than others. Another way is by choosing the best alternative. On…

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