M6D2 Personal Experience as a Team Member

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M6D2 Personal Experience as a Team Member

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Management

Level: University

Pages: 2

Words: 550

M6D2: Personal Experience as a Team Member
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M6D2: Personal Experience as a Team Member
Matching the Five-Stage Model of Team Development
My most recent recollection that involves working as a team was when I was assigned to a group with my fellow students with a task of completing a management assignment together. Notably, most of the processes incorporated into the development of the group, to a great extent, matched the five-stage model of team development. The first meeting of the group involved the members getting to know each other and sharing responsibilities, that is, how we were going to tackle the different parts of the assignment and who would be in charge of every section (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2010). This matched the forming stage to a high degree since every group member understood the purpose of the group thus what was remaining was getting acquainted and understanding leadership. The storming stage did not match any developments of the group to a great extent since everyone was purposed on acquiring a good grade for the assignment (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2010).
In reference to the norming stage, the bonding and respect of opinions took place at a remarkably high rate. Due to the increased concern about doing our best on the assignment, we shared information and engaged in collaborative working from the first meeting (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2010). The same development was comparable even for the performing stage. I thi…

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