literary review of 4 article for PICO

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literary review of 4 article for PICO

Category: Book Review

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Pic0: Does The Use of Alternative Therapies Reduce The Need and Use of Narcotics in The Elderly.
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The model of evidence based medicine requires physicians to formulate clinical questions base on the PICO analysis which stands for population, intervention, comparison as well as outcome .Together, these elements make up a PICO frame. This framework is developed to speed up the formulation process of clinical queries. Although PICO framework capabilities to represent the information required by physicians at the time has not been represented empirically, it presents a standard framework that can be utilized for evaluation of a clinical practice question. The paper herein will utilize PICO to answer the clinical practice question: “Does the use of alternative therapies reduce the need and use of narcotics in the elderly?” Some of the forms of alternative therapies that were utilized include acupuncture, orthodox medicine and homeopathy. The clinical practice question will be evaluated based on the PICO framework. The research reveals popular patterns in the structure for four frameworks in the clinical question namely diagnosis, etiology, therapy and prognosis. It was revealed that the PICO framework for representation is entirely on therapy.
Clinicians questions for each patient they care for range from 1 to 12. Nonetheless, the solutions to about two-thirds of these questions are never found. Subsequent …

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