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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Social Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Importance of Physical Activity in Maintaining Optimal Function and Health in the Elderly
Physiological changes usually take place with aging in all organ systems. For instance, there is a decrease in cardiac output, an increase in blood pressure, and the development of arteriosclerosis. Similarly, there is a decrease in lung capacity and rates of expiratory flow. Due to the atrophy and loss of muscle cells, there is a general decline in the lean body mass with an increase in age (Boss and Seegmiller 434). Moreover, deteriorating changes occur in numerous joints, and this leads to loss of locomotion when conjoined with the muscle mass loss.
The alterations with time have significant practical repercussions for the elderly’s clinical management, and there is, therefore, the need for compelling precautionary programs of exercise and diet to reverse or delay some of the physiological changes. To adapt to these changes, regular participation in exercise or physical activity programs can help in the minimization of the physical and biological changes that happen during aging and may as well add to the incline well-being and health. Various studies have shown that exercise training increases the strength of the muscles, cardiorespiratory fitness, balance, metabolism, and the psychological well-being of the elderly (Ciolac, n.pag).
It is very critical to have a background on the physiological changes of the elderly to have a program th…

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