Letter to senator about Men and womens roles.

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Letter to senator about Men and womens roles.

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Professional

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Men and Women’s Roles
(Sender’s Address)
4 May 2018
(Receiver’s Address)
Dear Sir/Madam
Re: Men and Women’s Roles
Since time in memorial, the society has always set standards for work that should be done by males and females. Initially, men were viewed as the sole breadwinners of a household but times have changed since women can equally provide in the family. This has been realized after several decades of fighting against gender inequality in various dimensions of life. For many years now, women’s roles have mostly been based in the household where they perform duties such as cooking, childcare, and cleaning (Lindsey, 2015). Conversely, men are expected to cater for the monetary needs and protect the family. More so, when it comes to occupations, some jobs are associated with men including engineering, piloting, and driving whereas others such as teaching and nursing (Lindsey, 2015). This form of inequality has affected the place of women in the society as there have been viewed as incapable of certain roles. However, the new era has brought equalization between men and women roles. Today, women can perform the same jobs as men regardless of the difficulty involved. Similarly, when it comes to family matters, men take care of the children just like women.
It is imperative to eliminate this vice in the society to make sure that individuals exercise their full potential for their good. Some of the measures that can be undertaken to eradic…

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