Letter of Rec

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Letter of Rec

Category: Math Problems

Subcategory: Military

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Letter of Recommendation for Elissa
I have known Elissa for about two years in which she has exhibited excellent character. During this period, she has been working with us in our animal care center under our vets. I write this recommendation letter for Elissa as a result of her outstanding performance. She is an invaluable, extraordinary lady with skills to provide solutions to challenges. Additionally, she is a dedicated employee willing to do even beyond her job scope. The services she has given to our organization has been excellent and have exceeded our expectations.
As an organization, it was a delight to have Elissa as part of our team providing care to animals. She was involved in various activities working with our vets such as weighing, feeding, collecting urine and blood samples, cleaning and disinfecting. Her performance in her roles showed her passion in animal caring. Elissa was a fast learner and got to understand the various procedures in a short period. Her inquisitive nature and desire to learn the skills needed in animal care made her an invaluable employee. Also, she is a self-driven, mature, enthusiastic, team player and reliable individual.
I am writing to recommend Elissa for a program in Veterinary School in your University. I have an understanding of the demands of the course, and I believe that Elissa has the capability to undertake the course. Her passion in animal care and her quest to gain knowledge in this field ma…

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