Journal 2

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Journal 2

Category: Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Journal 2
What do these documents suggest about the changing mindset of the times?
During the late 18th and early parts of the 19th century, Europe experienced constant wars. Napoleon, the French leader, wanted to control most of Europe and attacked other nations. He had changed the political boundaries of countries within a decade. However, in 1813, the allied forces defeated Napoleon and came together to establish a political landscape of post-Napoleonic Europe which meant starting over for many European nations. The allied countries met at the Congress of Vienna in 1814-1815 and founded the order that would maintain order and deal with future threats in the region. Additionally, the Congress determined the boundaries for many European states and returned them to their former rulers (Kissinger, 1020). The Congress also introduced the Conservation Order to enforce traditional governments such as monarchs and empires as a way to maintain peace and counter any uprisings.
At this period, revolutions became popular and widespread as people wanted a new system of government that guaranteed their rights and freedom. People in Europe began to realize they could challenge the rule of monarch and Empires and fight for a representative government. American and most of South America had recently witnessed political and social revolutions where the people took power from the colonizers and founded their governmen…

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