IT Technology Research paper

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IT Technology Research paper

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Institutional Affiliation:
Starbucks is a multinational company that is listed in the Nasdaq stock exchange. The stock exchange can be accessed by searching it on the search engine. Nasdaq lists all the companies that are traded in its platform. To obtain Starbucks information, one is supposed to search on Nasdaq page. This is a stock exchange company that operates in the US and has listed hundreds of the companies, thereby, giving investors an opportunity to buy stocks from the company of their choice. The page also has financial information regarding the business and up-to-date trading information for those interested in purchasing its shares in the market. The balance sheet is also up-to-date, thereby making it easy to analyse the information provided.
Starbucks was started in 1971 in Seattle. It is a coffee company that has been in operation for decades, an aspect that gives it a competitive edge over the competitors. It is hailed for promoting and maintaining coffee drinking culture in the US and other parts of the world. Since then the company has expanded its operations to over 28,000 locations across the globe. The headquarters are located at Seattle, Washington.
The company is led by the executive chairman Howard Schultz. It operates coffee shops in different markets around the world. Unlike other companies that have franchised their operations in different parts of the world, Starbucks has acquiring existing businesses in the market as a way…

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