it is better to live in small town than a big city

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it is better to live in small town than a big city

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

it is better to live in small town than a big city
The debate on whether it is better to live in a small town than living in a big city is very prominent among individuals in various settings. The debate always takes center stage at social gatherings and meeting places where people of diverse culture, social class and economic capability are together. Going by the look of things, the debate is not ending anytime soon as people who live in the cities and small towns always justify the benefits of the regions. To this extent, the decision about the issue has been left to individuals upon evaluation of the prevailing benefits in the areas and their capability before resorting to move or stay in either location.
According to Wuthnow (23), the debate on whether life in small towns is better than life in big cities is healthy and timely, as it will never become obsolete or irrelevant, as long as, new generations are born, and grow preparing to experience life in full swing. The significance of the debate is attributable to the fact that it helps people to understand the merits and demerits of living in either a small town or a big city. This paper gives in-depth information on whether life in small towns is better than in big cities. It covers the merits and demerits that are evident in both environments. The idea is to enlighten individuals about the major issues to help in decision-making processes.
Life in a small town is…

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