Issues Regarding the Protection and Practice of Speech: Facebook Pages Cause Free Speech Controversy

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Issues Regarding the Protection and Practice of Speech: Facebook Pages Cause Free Speech Controversy

Category: Personal Statement

Subcategory: Composition

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Issues Regarding the Protection and Practice of Speech:
Student Name
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Date of Submission:
The development of the social media in the twenty-first century is becoming of great concern to many people. Schools and other learning institutions are where social network most affects students through Facebook and other related social networks. Many students use the media to blackmail themselves and also getting involved in hate speech. Associated students Senate bill is calling for censorship that could shut down the two popular Facebook pages that are “UCSB and UCSB Hook-ups.” However, could it solve the problems that arise from the misuse of social media or it could turn into a violation of human rights. Many students would automatically not support the bill because it could go beyond human rights. It is probable that the bill, if enacted, it would hinder a right to express oneself through a media platform. For instance, if UCSB was going against the violation speech, “it is not easy to put down the page”, said the Dean of students. It is because many other schools are also facing the same situation, and it is amicable for the affected students to handle the situation carefully.
The social media through it is varied networks like Facebook, Twitter Instagram and many more of the like serve an important role today. Children, parents and students use the media for communication and even fulfill their business targets. However, it is confident that…

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