invasive johnson grass in mississippi

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invasive johnson grass in mississippi

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Johnsongrass is an invasive weed that has a native origin in the Mediterranean, and current habitat is in the US. In the US the Johnson grass is majorly found along roadsides, along sideways, at the ditches, in cracks and distributed soils. The johnsongrass is a poisonous weed that contains elements of cyanide and whenever it is stressed it can result in poisoning of grazing animals and plants. The johnsongrass causes poisoning whenever it is disturbed through the action of grazing herds in the fields, when it is sprayed or during winter seasons. Due to such effects of the weed to crops and livestock the state has come up with different methods of preventing the establishment of the weed in the fields before it spreads over a wide area. The methods include repeated tilling, continuous grazing and mowing, application of Touchdown and Roundup and biologically freezing in winter. The johnsongrass is very resistant grass that can only be controlled by preventing its establishment. When it establishes in a field, it becomes invasive and difficult to manage using the available control methods. Therefore Johnson grass is an invasive weed that mostly exists in parts of Mississippi and has caused a global issue. When it is not prevented, it can affect numerous crops and livestock and ultimately result in low productivity and poor health in the livestock.
Keywords: poisonous, invasive, prevent, establishment, effective, native, grass, foli…

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