Integration of evidence-based practice into professional nursing practice

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Integration of evidence-based practice into professional nursing practice

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Integration of evidence-based practice into professional nursing practice
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Integration of evidence-based practice into professional nursing practice
Through different government policies in and patient rights programs, nurses are informed to have high quality services and highly supported by practices that are evidence-based. Such a provision is a challenge not only to the medical fraternity, but also to educators who are in the function of teaching fresh graduates into the nursing career. To achieve evidence-based practices the nursing fraternity just as other careers need to have care centered provisions that are aimed at improving the status of clients. Nurses therefore need to have fully supported current evidence when providing treatment to their patients.
The evidence-based approach in nursing
Mashiach (2011) confirms that there are different evidence-based care provisions in most conditions. Ailments that have seen evidence-based practices include diabetes, asthma and heart failure. However, the need to make provide such practices has been minimal in care delivery hence the need for more for them to be implemented. When such implementations are done patients will be more comfortable with the treatments they receive and also become conversant with their ailments (Christensen, 2011).
Through evidence-based practices in the professional nursing practice patients can receive treatment that is geared towards their…

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