insights into socialization provided by Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead, and Jean Piaget,

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insights into socialization provided by Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead, and Jean Piaget,

Category: Critical Essay

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Insights into Socialization
Insights into Socialization
Evidence from various studies has demonstrated that no single person born with inherent knowledge about either oneself or others (Henslin & Nelson, 2000). Thus, the experience that gets from the society is responsible for creating the personal identity of the concerned individual. After birth, people are exposed to various activities in the society that enable them to learn the necessities of becoming somebody, and consequently, they become members of a given human community through social interaction, language and other means of human contact. The development [process that human undertake towards becoming members of a given human community has been studied by different scholars of sociology at different times (Henslin & Nelson, 2000). Therefore, this essay will present a comparison of insights into socialization as provided by Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead, and Jean Piaget. Also, provide a suggestion on the preferred theorists in explaining insights into the development of the self.
Through the theory of “looking-glass self,” Cooley provides insights into various factors that he believed they constitute a person’s self. He observed that one’s character, as well as the self, grew from personal interactions with others in the community. People view themselves according to the perceptions, impressions and personal qualities provided others. That is, the way people vie…

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