Informative speech

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Informative speech

Category: Self Evaluation Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Topic: Sacred Sites
General Purpose: To Enlighten
Specific Purpose: To educate my listeners on the risks of approving human-made developments in the indigenous holy places in the U.SA.
Thesis: The invasion of holy sites by urbanization is among the most harmful activities to the Native Tribes cultural and religious rights.
A. Attention Getter: Imagine a valued space being forcefully taken away from you by the federal government or private business entities without adequate consultations? This is precisely what is happening to the indigenous population regarding their holy land. In her book, “Threatened and Damaged: Protecting Sacred Places”, Suzan Shown Harjo delves into threats facing sacred places occupied by Native American Tribes. The location of conducting traditional rituals is significant to the Native American Tribes.
B. Reason to Listen:The Native American Tribes have been facing threats on their holy land since time immemorial. Proposals to build geothermal projects, highway expansion and mining continue to threaten the sanctity of sacred areas. It is important to know the significance of different holy places as valued by each indigenous tribe to avoid harmful after-effects on the people and the environment.
C. Thesis Statement: The invasion of holy sites by urbanization is among the most harmful activities to the Native Tribes cultural and religious rights.
D. Credibility Statement: 1. The history of the …

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