IndividualConfiguration Scenario

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IndividualConfiguration Scenario

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Individual Configuration Scenario
Institutional Affiliation:
System Diagram based on the Configuration Scenario of Ray’s Food
System diagram
This is a visual model of a networking system that shows the relationship between components and how they interact with one another. The model is developed with the help of existing documentation that provides the essential information about the system design. Although there are many variations of the diagraming styles, each style tends to provide an optimally consistent illustration of the matching technology. In Ray’s Food, the diagram is used to help the user understand the system despite its complexity by virtually expressing the dynamic forces that act upon the components and interaction between them.

Figure 1: System diagram showing the technical networking and server landscape for Ray Food.
Since Ray Food system is comprised of elements that may also consist of other systems, it was advisable to use icons to represent each component other than boxes to present subsystems. The arrows (lines) represent the flow of mass, energy, and information from one component to the other. The corporate office is at the center of the diagram because it serves as the head office where commands come from, and administration of the technology is facilitated. Also, the network administrator is responsible for integrating and providing connections to the grocery stores in the three locations and the buyers who opt to use the syste…

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