Individual Project Assignment

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Individual Project Assignment

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Healthcare Credentials
Institution Affiliation

Provision of the healthcare practitioners’ credentials is an essential attribute to enhance the quality of service delivery. The credentials include licensure, accreditation as well as the certification for the healthcare providers. Various benefits such as improvement of service quality and patient safety are evident due to the provision of the credentials. Additional education for the healthcare givers is salient in service delivery. The use of advancement in technologies in the healthcare setting is also vital for the provision of credential for the organization.
The non-government institutions are involved in the accreditation process which is voluntary (Alkhenizan & Shaw, 2011). The accreditation includes Council of Interior Design Accreditation, Joint Commission and the National Architecture Accrediting Board. The methods maintain the health standards and hinder the deterioration of service delivery. A government institution or a non-government institution plays a vital role in the accreditation, licensing as well as the certification process. The paper explores the scope of practice for the medical practitioners and the requirements necessary for the licensure and the accreditation process. However, the need for the credential processes is also apparent in the paper.
The improvement of healthcare facilities and services revolve around quality assurance in the healthcare…

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