Improving Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation Outcomes: A Valentine worth Sending

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Improving Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation Outcomes: A Valentine worth Sending

Category: Article Review

Subcategory: Statistics

Level: Academic

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Improving Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation Outcomes: A Valentine worth Sending

Death by Cardiac Arrest is still the number one cause of death in the United States. CITATION GoA14 l 1033 (Go AS, 2014). With his in mind I chose to review a paper about improving cardiac arrest resuscitation outcomes CITATION JoA15 l 1033 (JoAnn Grif Alspach, 2015). The following paper will review the article entitled “Improving Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation Outcomes: A Valentine worth Sending” which was written by JoAnn Aslpach. This is as important topic for many reasons; as noted cardiac arrest is the number one cause of death. Furthermore it is something that can be prevented with proper medical techniques. It is felt that this is a very important topic and as such the above noted paper is worthy of review.

A Review of “Improving Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation Outcomes: A Valentine worth Sending”
Valentine’s Day has always been a day when we think of the heart, perhaps not literally, so it makes it a good time to consider cardiac arrest. It is with that in mind that the article reminds us that we should extend the sentiments of Valentine’s Day throughout the year and think about the heart. Cardiac arrest is the sudden stop of blood circulation through the body due to hearth failure. Cardiac arrests can occur suddenly with no warning. The study of interest looks at the survival rates of people who suffer cardiac arrest and looks at what critical care nurses can do to prev…

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