Identify a turning point in world history. Discuss the historical events surrounding this event and explain how the turning point changed the course of history.

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Identify a turning point in world history. Discuss the historical events surrounding this event and explain how the turning point changed the course of history.

Category: Critical review

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Fall of Constantinople
Constantinople was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire, and it was highly fortified. It was sieged in 1453. The ruler of Ottoman Turks, Sultan Mehmed II was the one leading the attack of the city. The city had about 10, 000 men defending it while the Turks came with over 100,000 men against the city. It took them fifty days to completely siege the city employing various tactics of war that included the use of cannon in destroying the walls of the city, warships used against its sea defense and many soldiers on foot to besiege the city.
After breaking the wall, the soldiers moved in and fought for about two hours and realized that they were being defeated and retreated. (Angold. M. p. 6). Later, Anatolian Turks who was from the army of Ishak brought the second attack to the city. They organized themselves more than the first group that came. They managed and to enter and killed many army men of Constantinople. They fought till dawn when they called off the attack. Another attack followed when the soldiers of the city had not gained their strength, arrows, bullets, missiles, and stones were launched to them. The battle went long for a longer time than the first two attacks until the Christians gave up and surrendered. The Turks took control of the city both on land and in the sea, looting the city, destroying its walls and bringing down its harbor.
The Turks completely too…

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